> 文章列表 > 春节吃什么食物安全英语




During the Chinese New Year, people indulge in a variety of mouthwatering delicacies to celebrate this festive occasion. Here are ten traditional Chinese New Year foods and their English translations:

  • 瓜子 (guā zǐ) - Melon seeds
  • 糖 (táng) - Candy
  • 坚果 (jiān guǒ) - Nuts
  • 年糕 (nián gāo) - Rice cake
  • 饺子 (jiǎo zǐ) - Dumplings
  • 春联 (chūn lián) - Spring Festival couplets
  • 烟火 (yān huǒ) - Fireworks
  • 鞭炮 (biān pào) - Maroons
  • 鱼 (yú) - Fish

These delectable treats not only satisfy the taste buds but also hold symbolic meanings in Chinese culture.

英语翻译1.what\'s the special kind of food for the spring festival? - ZOL问答

Chinese New Year is a time when people gather with their families to celebrate and enjoy a sumptuous feast. The special kind of food for the Spring Festival is \"饺子\" (jiǎo zǐ), which means \"dumplings\" in English. This popular dish signifies reunion and prosperity. It is customary for Chinese people to exchange gifts while sharing a meal on Chinese New Year\'s Eve.


What do people eat during the Spring Festival? People usually indulge in a wide array of delicious dishes during this festive time. Some of the traditional Chinese New Year foods include dumplings, fish, rice cakes, and sweet soup. These delicacies are believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and happiness for the upcoming year.


中国新年有许多传统的食物,其中包括粽子、年糕和糯米饭等。它们的英文翻译分别是Rice dumplings、rice cakes和NuoMiFan。


Chinese New Year (also known as Lunar New Year) is the most important traditional festival in China. It marks the beginning of the lunar calendar year and is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm. During this festive occasion, families gather together for reunion dinners and engage in various cultural festivities.

The key highlights of Chinese New Year include:

  • 家庭团聚 (jiā tíng tuán jù) - Family reunion: People travel long distances to be with their loved ones and enjoy a delicious feast, including traditional dishes like dumplings and fish.
  • 放鞭炮 (fàng biān pào) - Setting off fireworks: Fireworks are set off at midnight to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year.
  • 拜年 (bài nián) - Paying visits: People visit their relatives, friends, and neighbors to exchange blessings, good wishes, and red envelopes known as \"红包\" (hóng bāo) which contain money.
  • 舞狮舞龙 (wǔ shī wǔ lóng) - Lion and dragon dances: Colorful lion and dragon dance performances can be witnessed on the streets as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity.

These customs and traditions make Chinese New Year a festive and joyous occasion that is eagerly awaited by people of all ages.


The traditional Chinese New Year food includes spring rolls, dumplings, wontons, and sweet soup. These dishes are not only delicious but also carry auspicious meanings and symbolize good luck and wealth.


Here is a list of Chinese festivals and the corresponding traditional food that is typically eaten during those celebrations:

  • 春节 (Spring Festival): Dumplings, rice dumplings, fish, and chicken
  • 端午节 (Dragon Boat Festival): Sticky rice dumplings (also known as Zongzi)
  • 中秋节 (Mid-Autumn Festival): Mooncakes, pomelos, and osmanthus cakes
  • 元宵节 (Lantern Festival): Tangyuan (sweet rice dumplings)

These delicious treats are an integral part of Chinese culture and add flavor to the festive atmosphere.


If you\'re making a shopping list for the Spring Festival in English, here are some essential items to include:

  • 购物清单 (gòu wù qīng dān) - Shopping list
  • 洗衣粉一包 (xǐ yī fěn yī bāo) - A pack of laundry detergent
  • 食用油 (shí yòng yóu) - Edible oil
  • 速冻食品 (sù dòng shí pǐn) - Quick-frozen food
  • 鸡蛋一盒 (jī dàn yī hé) - A box of eggs

These items will ensure that you have everything you need for a successful and enjoyable Spring Festival celebration.

英语翻译Spring Festival is the most important festival in China...


Translation: Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. On the eve of Spring Festival (Chinese New Year\'s Eve), families gather together for a grand feast. In many places, people enjoy setting off fireworks. Dumplings are the most traditional food. Children especially love this holiday because they receive red envelopes filled with lucky money.


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It’s a time to celebrate the arrival of the lunar calendar\'s new year with great enthusiasm and joy. The festival usually lasts for 15 days, starting from the first day of the lunar calendar and ending with the Lantern Festival.

During the Spring Festival, families come together to enjoy special meals and engage in various traditional activities. The festival is characterized by significant customs and traditions such as:

  • 家庭团圆 (jiā tíng tuán yuán) - Family reunion: People travel from near and far to be with their loved ones during this time.
  • 拜年 (bài nián) - Paying visits: People visit their relatives, friends, and neighbors to exchange good wishes and greetings.
  • 红包 (hóng bāo) - Red envelopes: Adults give red envelopes containing money to children as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the new year.
  • 放鞭炮 (fàng biān pào) - Setting off fireworks: Many people enjoy setting off fireworks and firecrackers to ward off evil spirits.
  • 舞狮舞龙 (wǔ shī wǔ lóng) - Lion and dragon dances: These vibrant performances are believed to bring good fortune and prosperity.

The Spring Festival is a time of joy, harmony, and renewal. It represents the rich cultural heritage and strong sense of community in Chinese society.