> 文章列表 > 春节期间会有什么节日英语





In Chinese Spring Festival holidays, there will be many activities, such as the Lantern Festival, where beautiful lanterns are displayed and celebrated; the traditional custom of firecrackers lighting up the sky to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck; and the exchanging of red envelopes, symbolizing good fortune and blessings for the new year.


During the Spring Festival in China, there are various festive celebrations. One of them is the Lantern Festival, also known as the Yuanxiao Festival, which takes place on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It is a time when people gather to appreciate beautifully crafted lanterns, solve riddles written on them, and enjoy the famous glutinous rice dumplings called Yuanxiao. Additionally, the tradition of firecrackers during the Spring Festival not only adds a lively atmosphere but also symbolizes the warding off of evil spirits. It is believed that the loud noise scares away bad luck and ushers in a prosperous new year.


China has a rich cultural heritage with a wide variety of traditional festivals. Some of the most significant ones include New Year\'s Eve, known as Chuxi in Chinese, which marks the end of the old year and the beginning of a new one. The Lantern Festival, which falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, is another important celebration. It is a time when families gather to enjoy beautiful lantern displays, guess riddles written on lanterns, and taste delicious traditional snacks. The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It involves exciting dragon boat races and the consumption of sticky rice dumplings called Zongzi. These festivals not only showcase Chinese traditions and customs but also reflect the strong sense of unity and joy among the people.

中国所有节日英文版 - 懂得

China celebrates numerous festivals throughout the year, each with its own unique customs and significance. Some of the major festivals include New Year\'s Day, which falls on January 1st and is a national holiday in China. The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is one of the most important festivals and is celebrated for three days, starting from the Lunar New Year\'s Eve. The Tomb-Sweeping Day, known as Qingming Festival, is observed by paying respect to ancestors and visiting their graves. These festivals not only carry cultural and historical meanings but also provide opportunities for families to reunite, exchange blessings, and create cherished memories together.


There are several traditional festivals in China, and here are some of them along with their English translations:

  • Spring Festival (农历一月一日): Also known as Chinese New Year\'s Day, it marks the beginning of the lunar year.
  • Lantern Festival (农历一月十五日): Celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it is a time for enjoying colorful lantern displays and solving riddles.
  • Tomb-Sweeping Festival (4月5日): Also known as Qingming Festival, it is a day to pay respects to ancestors by visiting their graves.

These festivals showcase the rich cultural heritage of China and provide a glimpse into the traditions and values that have been passed down through generations.


China has a diverse array of traditional festivals, each with its own distinct customs and dates. Some of the most prominent ones include:

  • The Spring Festival (农历正月初一): Also known as Chinese New Year, it falls on the first day of the lunar year.
  • The Lantern Festival (农历正月十五): Celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it follows the Spring Festival and features lantern displays and riddle-solving.
  • The Dragon Boat Festival (农历五月初五): Also known as Duanwu Festival, it takes place on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month and involves exciting dragon boat races and the consumption of Zongzi, a traditional sticky rice dumpling.

These festivals hold deep cultural significance and are an integral part of China\'s heritage, promoting family unity, cultural exchange, and joyous celebrations.


Here are the English translations for some of China\'s traditional festivals:

  • New Year\'s Day (1月1日): Celebrated as the start of the Gregorian calendar year.
  • Spring Festival (农历一月一日): Also known as the Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year, it marks the beginning of the lunar calendar year.
  • Lantern Festival (农历一月十五日): Celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it signifies the end of the Spring Festival and features beautiful lantern displays.
  • International Women\'s Day (3月8日): A global celebration honoring the achievements of women.

These festivals not only bring joy and celebration but also provide an opportunity to learn about Chinese culture and traditions.


Here are the English names of several holidays:

  • New Year\'s Day (元旦): Celebrated on January 1st.
  • Valentine\'s Day (情人节): Celebrated on February 14th.
  • International Women\'s Day (国际妇女节): Observed on March 8th.
  • Children\'s Day (儿童节): Celebrated on June 1st.

These holidays hold cultural and social significance and are celebrated with joy and enthusiasm.


Here are the English names for some of China\'s traditional festivals:

  • New Year\'s Day (1月1日): It is celebrated as the start of a new year according to the Gregorian calendar.
  • Spring Festival (农历一月一日): Also known as the Chinese New Year, it marks the beginning of the lunar year.
  • Lantern Festival (农历一月十五日): Celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it is a time for enjoying beautiful lantern displays and solving riddles.
  • International Women\'s Day (3月8日): A day dedicated to honoring the achievements and contributions of women around the world.

These festivals showcase the diversity and vibrancy of Chinese culture and are celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy.


Here are the English translations for various Chinese festivals:

  • Spring Festival (农历正月初一): Also known as the Chinese New Year, it falls on the first day of the lunar calendar.
  • Lantern Festival (元宵节): Celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it is a time for appreciating beautiful lantern displays and enjoying sweet glutinous rice dumplings called Yuanxiao.
  • The Dragon Boat Festival (端午节): Celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, it involves dragon boat races and the consumption of Zongzi, a traditional sticky rice dumpling.
  • Qingming Festival (清明节): Observed on April 4th or 5th, it is a time for paying respects to ancestors by visiting their graves and cleaning tombstones.

These festivals are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and have been celebrated for centuries, reflecting the traditions, values, and beliefs of the Chinese people.


Here are the English translations for various traditional Chinese festivals:

  • The Spring Festival (春节): Also known as the Chinese New Year, it is the most important festival in China.
  • The Lantern Festival (元宵节): Celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it marks the end of the Spring Festival.
  • The Dragon Boat Festival (端午节): Celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, it commemorates the poet Qu Yuan and involves dragon boat races.
  • The Tomb-Sweeping Festival (清明节): Observed on April 4th or 5th, it is a time for paying respects to ancestors by visiting their graves.

These festivals carry deep cultural significance and are an integral part of Chinese traditions and customs.